Help Buy Our Bay!

Developers are eyeing our beloved community's Frenchman's Bay, a space we've cherished for generations. It is currently owned by the Pickering Harbour Company, but was listed for sale on MLS!

We believe in preserving this land for its ecological significance and cultural value. Instead of allowing it to become another concrete jungle, with floating houses already mocked up, we want to extend and enhance the community space that benefits all residents and future generations.

Join Our Movement

We are organizing a community bid to buy and protect this land. Our aim is to stop any development, or if necessary to throttle it to a sustainable pace which is heavily influenced by the community.

We need your support! By filling out our form, you can join our community's WhatsApp group, stay updated, share ideas, and become an active participant in buying our bay!

Fill the Form to Join the WhatsApp Group

Together, we can keep our community's interest as a priority!